The birth of our school is God appointed and timely. It started in the heart of individuals whom God put the desire and passion to impart knowledge, skills and spiritual values to the children in their early age. The school went through a test of fire when it started. With nothing in the hand but FAITH. God gathered the necessary materials and put it piece by piece in time to make the school exist. He was calling people, directing their ways, touching their hearts, and giving courage to everyone who is involved in the existence of Kairos Christian Academy Inc. His existence is a great testimony of God who is the ALPHA; the originator of all that exists, and the OMEGA; the finisher, thus He is completing it in His time
Policies and Regulations:
Every student in this school accepts the obligation to comply with the policies and regulations of the school. Any violation thereof will be subjected to disciplinary action as stipulated by the school.
For effective learning, regular and punctual attendance must be observed. Students who come and arrive after flag ceremony is no longer accepted to class and considered absent. A written excuse letter from the parent or guardian should be presented by the student when sick and doctor’s certificate is required for pupils/students who got absent more than a day.
A. student who has incurred absences of more than twenty (20) days of the required number of the school days without valid reason is considered, LEFT or FAILED and given no credit for the course or subject.
B. School Discipline School officials and academic personnel’s have the rights to impose appropriate and reasonable measures in case of minor infraction of good school discipline committed in their presence. However, no cruel or physical harmful punishments shall be imposed or applied against erring pupils/students.
1. Suspension – is a penalty to students under investigation in cases involving distraction to the normal operation of the school or poses a risk or danger to the life of the schoolmates, classmates, teachers, staff and school personnel.
2. Exclusion – a penalty in which the school is allowed to drop the name of the erring pupil or student for being undesirable and transfer credentials issued.
3. Expulsion – is an extreme penalty or erring pupil/student and recommended for exclusion admission to any public or private school for acts of offenses, constituting gross misconduct, dishonest, hazing, carrying of deadly weapons, immorality, selling or possessing of prohibited drugs, drunkenness, hooliganism, vandalism and other serious offenses such as leading illegal strikes resulting to stoppage of classes, threatening student or school personnel from entering school premises, tampering and forging school records and documents.
C. Campus Behavior
1. Students must respect all teachers, principal, administrators, directors and all non- teaching personnel.
2. Students are inspected by the school guard/s before entering the school with their proper and complete uniform.
3. Liquor, deadly or sharp materials, indecent pictures, messages, books or play cards are to be confiscated by the guard. Cell phones or other gadgets are deposited at the principal’s office and be given proper action.
4 Spitting anywhere, smoking, drinking liquor and drug trafficking are strictly prohibited by any students.
5. Loitering and vandalism must be avoided.
6. Verbal or fist fights, gossips, grumbling and wild behavior shall deal accordingly.
7. Malicious destruction of school properties stealing, pick pocketing and cheating will be subjected to penalty.
8. Running, rushing or pushing around the campus, shouting and boisterous laughter is prohibited.
9. Students should who are respect school properties and must use it properly.
10. Students who are needed by parents or guardians before dismissal must seek permission from the office before they could be taken out.
11. Parents are not allowed to go directly to the student’s room on class hours without proper permission from the office of the principal. Minor violations of the school rules may be handled by the teachers and guidance counselor.